SAR 112 Foundation
The SAR 112 Foundation was established by Marcel Korkuś by a notarial deed on December 13, 2021. The Foundation operates under the Act on Foundations of April 6, 1984, and other provisions of applicable laws and pursuant to its Articles of Association. The Minister of the Interior and Administration is the minister competent for foundations. The Foundation has a legal personality and is registered with the National Court Register under number: 0000940371.
Objective and mission of the SAR 112 Foundation
The objective and mission of the Foundation are to provide a wide range of rescue services for people in life-threatening situations in water and hard-to-reach areas as well as water environment protection and research activities.
The SAR 112 Foundation pursues its objectives, among others, through the following activities:
– conducting rescue operations on water,
– conducting rescue operations underwater,
– water environment protection operations to prevent hazards,
– conducting rescue operations in hard-to-reach areas,
– institutional cooperation in rescue and environment protection operations,
– researching and deploying innovative rescue technologies,
– water and hard-to-reach area safety education,
– know-how and technical support for organizations and institutions carrying out activities with similar objectives,
– rescue training sessions.
SAR 112 Operational Group
The elite water and dive rescue team operates as part of SAR 112 Foundation activities, capable of providing assistance in the Republic of Poland and abroad to the extent necessary for the proper pursuit of Foundation objectives.
Are you interested in becoming of SAR 112 rescuer? Check the recruitment process here.